Dec 10, 2009

Of Old Age and Superpowers

If I could be a superhero, I would be Super Drunk! (falls to the floor)
Lulubelle, staggering in at home at 3 in the morning

An awesome party was thrown last night to celebrate The Buddhist's birthday. Thanks to Big-Haired Party Princess, we pillaged the open bar, danced like there was no dancefloor tomorrow, and got hit on by lesbian Koreans. While it has been 24 hours since the party and 6 since I last felt signs of a hangover, I've just created a tally slash list from last night:

open bar drinks: 6
 Johnny Walker: 3 Note: I will not drink Johnny Walker again! And I said this two years ago
Calories burned on the dancefloor: 400
Guys hitting on me: ?
Girls hitting on me: 2
Fun (on the scale of 1-10): 10!!!

We should do this again, guys.

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