Aug 25, 2009

A Post About Procrastination

Apparently, it's been almost a month since I last posted an entry. With that, it could safely said that my aim to post blog entries a bit regularly has failed. In my defense and in an attempt to justify my procrastination, I am just soaking in the experience of being in Sweden.

Lake Mälåren from Kälhäll

One of the things that I love about being in Stockholm is that the whole atmosphere of the city is urban enough for a city girl yet idyllic enough for me to go to places like Mälären and hear myself think. It's not that I don't miss Manila, I do but the energy in that city just drains you at times. While there have been a lot of things I've done and seen here, I am still trying to experience and see as much as I can here before putting them up on my blog.

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