Jan 25, 2010

Strawberries, Tattoos, and Dinosaur Empathy: The Weekend That Was

Finally! I got my new set of tattoos over the weekend, a couple of hours before a very late Christmas party. The new ink looks bad ass, if I may say so. Since Esmi the Bear has fragile sensibilities when it comes to needles, blood, and skin, he was not able to take photos of my new tattoos. While I tried to take the photos myself, my wrists are currently not very mobile so taking photos is a bit of a task.

One thing I love about meeting up with old high school friends is that you get an idea of who you were and who you are now. One amazing thing is that all 11 members of the gang are leading very different lives now, but somehow, we still have common ground. The antics are constant so are the ambush strawberry (think poise ruining) attacks. While certain shenanigans remain the same, a lot of big adult stuff have wormed their way into conversations. The party over the weekend was peppered with the M words we once shuddered to even think of: marriage, motherhood, and mortgage.

You know the body parts you never thought were integral to everyday stuff? Yeah, apparently, wrists are one of them. I honestly feel like a dinosaur ( a T-Rex or a veliciraptor) in heels. Here's a list of the stuff I realized that you can't do when you've no movable wrists:

1. Reach for the phone and dial 911.
2. Type. And yet I still write this entry.
3. Wipe after peeing or wash after doing number two.
4. Hug. Trying to embrace another person sans wrists makes you look like you're a zombie reaching out for your next meal.
5. Push ups.
6. Conduct an orchestra.
7. Stop traffic.
8. Wave.
9. Clap.
10. Touch anything below your knees. Or anyone's knees.

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