Sep 24, 2009

That M Word

Maybe it comes with being in your late twenties or maybe a lot of people seem to think that I am ripe for settling down but ever since the start of this year, I have either gotten the question "So when's the wedding?" or an insinuation that I would tie the knot soon. While there was good-natured humor at the beginning of the deluge of those statements, right now, I am honestly annoyed by words that tie me and Purple Turban to the concept of being married soon. I do recognize the fact that people are happy for us and that they deem us a good match but to keep on insisting we're getting married soon is a totally different matter.

I love Purple Turban and I honestly think that we'd spend the rest of our lives together but marriage is another thing, altogether. I always thought that when two people decide to get married, they do so because they have accomplished certain goals they have set for themselves while in their youth or somewhere towards the end of it. Right now, I don't think neither Purple Turban or I could say that such goals and dreams have been achieved. I do admit, however, that we may fall under the so-called marrying age. However, just because other people are getting married or engaged does not mean that we're jumping the bandwagon of domestication anytime soon. There may be a day that I'd realize that I want to get married but trust me, that day is far, far away in the future.

If you want to get married someday, that's fine but don't try to shove the concept down my throat: just because I'm with someone I love does not mean I'm suddenly seized with wedding fever just because I see everyone else is. I don't have a biological clock that ticks a minute less to countdown when I see a baby. I want to live a life outside current restrictive breadwinner obligations. Right now, I do not want things that tie me to the concepts of marriage and family for now. I'm happy the way things are with Purple Turban and I don't want to move a step further from where I am now.